This one works fine but guys what I need to add to this script to make soldier shoulder his weapon before jump to let him fly with free hands, not fly with shooting position with weapon in hands as currently it is. It looks so strange ??
Arma 3 Halo Jump Script
Hey @pierremgi I am having a little issue where I can only use the script / halo jump once. I have everything setup correctly but I go to flag pole, select halo jump and everything works as it should. After death and respawn I go to flag pole again and choose halo and all my AI jump ( from what I can see on map ) but I get black screen saying "click on map" which has already happened and then black screen goes away and I am still standing in front of flagpole.
Just thought I would update you, AI aren't Halo jumping with that latest script on dedi server ( not alive ones Did see some of my dead teammates fly past me free falling.. ). Haven't tried local host will try that out tomorrow.
/ /Uncomment following line if used as> 7:46:15 Error position: 7:46:15 Error Invalid number in expression 7:46:15 File C:\Users\\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\TPM\mpmissions\test.Altis\scripts\halo.sqf..., line 1